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Where to start

Before you apply, we encourage you to review the information housed on this website including reviewing the available courses and locations. 

Our team is available to you if you have any questions. Simply express your interest and we will respond to your enquiry.

Read on for further information and to start your application.


Who's eligible?

The National Indigenous Training Academy welcomes Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Australians, aged 18 - 30, to take part in our training program. 

We ask our applicant be committed to make a commitment to live on-site at Ayers Rock Resort or Mossman Gorge Cultural Centre for the duration of the traineeship. Remember there is a wealth of support on offer for all our trainees throughout your training.


How to Apply

Applying for a NITA Traineeship is easy.

Simply click on the EXPRESS YOUR INTEREST link below and complete the online form to kick start your NITA journey. The NITA Talent Team will then contact you to discuss your application.